Nicholas Piachaud

Head of Advocacy and Analysis

Nicholas Piachaud
Nicholas leads advocacy at the Varkey Foundation, a global organization that champions the cause of education around the world. As the foundation’s Head of Advocacy and Analysis, he represents the foundation in major political meetings - including leading delegations to meet with presidents and prime ministers to secure commitments from them on education. A policy and advocacy expert who has worked across the education and human rights sectors, Nicholas’s experience of leading major projects includes summits that have brought together presidents, prime ministers and education ministers on key issues; overseen global campaigns that have generated tens of thousands of actions and engagements; and has also delivered headline-making research and analysis. As a spokesperson, he has regularly appeared on Al Jazeera, BBC News, CNN, Sky News, and The New York Times and he has also lobbied and spoken at global institutions including the UN, EU and OECD. He studied at the University of Oxford.