Teachers of the World Unite!

05 Jun 2020 |

An invitation to take part in "Teachers of the World Unite" event

New briefing makes key recommendations on reopening schools amid COVID-19 crisis


A new briefing paper from the Varkey Foundation makes key recommendations to school leaders and policymakers on reopening schools amid the COVID-19 global pandemic. It draws from the voices of hundreds of teachers around the world, as well as new guidance for policymakers issued by UNESCO’s Teacher Taskforce.

The briefing paper, issued today, is based upon the discussions at the recent “Teachers of the World Unite” event, a remote summit held in May that brought together teachers from different countries. The summit had been convened by the Varkey Foundation and structured around discussions on new guidance on the reopening of schools issued by UNESCO’s Teacher Taskforce.

The new briefing draws on the important discussions at the “Teachers of the World Unite” summit to make recommendations to school leaders and policymakers on issues ranging from the importance of social dialogue to ensuring that schools protect teachers’ health and emotional wellbeing.

Key recommendations  |

What teachers want when schools reopen
  • Social dialogue: Consult with the teaching community over their decision-making in the process of reopening schools.
  • Safety: Set protocols for personal and collective hygiene care and provide PPEs for teachers and staff working in high-risk locations.
  • Well-being: Reduce administrative requirements and other obligations that add to stress at work.
  • Teacher preparation: Look at the best practices in teaching from across the world and implement them in local classrooms.
  • Deployment: Conduct virtual meetings with fellow teachers to share good practices and suggestions as a way of strengthening teamwork.
  • Financial investments: Invest in school infrastructure, teacher training and hygiene supplies, and consult teachers on the resources that they require for their schools.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: Conduct formative assessments of remote learning effectiveness to improve teacher development and performance.